Walvis Bay Private School
Since 1961
​Walvis Bay Private School is registered as an Incorporated Association not for gain under the Companies Act, 1973, and as a PRIVATE school with subsidy under the Education Act, 2001.
Written applications for enrollment should be addressed to The Principal, Walvis Bay Private School, P.O. Box 567, Walvis Bay.
Applications will be considered only if the application form is fully completed, signed, and all supporting documentation is attached.
Submission of an application does not guarantee placement in the school, nor does the application date indicate any specific order of priority.
Payment of the book fees will be seen as a binding commitment that your child will take up their place as agreed.
The annual book fee is non-refundable if your child does not take up a place at the school. However, if the school withdraws the offer of a place for any reason, the book fee will be refunded.
Grade R
A non-refundable book fee is payable annually upon acceptance (new and re-applications) of placement N$1 270.00
Grade 1 to Grade 12
A non-refundable book fee is payable annually upon acceptance (new and re-applications) of placement N$2 970.00
Book Fees include:
Classroom stationery (Grade R – Grade 7)
All classroom aid (Grade R – Grade 12)
Use of textbooks (Grade 1 – 12)
Writing books (Grade 1 – 12)
Study notes and summaries
Exam papers and copies
Matriculants booklet
FUN GYM – Grade R
Monthly Fee (February – November) N$120.00
ICT Fee – Grade 1-7
Yearly fee payable upon acceptance of placement N$550.00
Office Practice Fee – Grade 8 - 12
Yearly fee payable upon acceptance of placement N$850.00
Design and Technology – Grade 8 - 12
Yearly fee payable upon acceptance of placement N$410.00
Design and Technology Set
Purchase of the compulsory Design & Technology set N$1 050.00
Fees include:
Yearly subscription fee for ICT (Information and Communication Technology) program
Maintenance, replacement and upgrade of equipment
Classroom furniture and teacher resources
Any and all materials for classroom projects
School fees are determined annually by the Board of Directors based on the school's budget requirements.
Fees are payable monthly in advance for 12 months (Grades R – 11) and for 10 months (Grade 12 learners).
January to December payable before 5th day of each month
2% discount allowed for 3 equal payments Jan, April, Aug
5% discount allowed payable by 31 January 2025
Grade R
Monthly fee - N$2 150.00 x 12 months
Term payment - N$8 428.00
Annual Payment - N$24 510.00
Grade 1 to 11
Monthly fee - N$4 000.00 x 12 months
Term payment - N$15 680.00
Annual payment - N$45 600.00
Grade 12
Monthly fee - N$4 800.00 x 10 months
Term payment - N$15 680.00
Annual payment - N$45 600.00
5% discount for full upfront payments (payment must be received by January 31st).
2% discount for three equal payments (due in January, April, and August).
10% discount for the third child and further siblings attending the school. The first two children pay the full fee.
Debit Order: The first installment is payable on January 1st.
Electronic Payments: Must be paid no later than the 1st day of each month, starting January 1st.
Cash or cheque payments are not accepted. Swipe facility is available.
All clothing purchases and activity fees must be paid before collection or departure.
In case of withdrawal from the school, one month’s written notice must be given to the school. November will not be accepted as a notice month.
Name of account: Walvis Bay Private School
Bank: Bank Windhoek
Account Number: 1044056090
Branch: Walvis Bay (481 872)
Reference: Account Number (e.g. WBP001)
For all payments (school fees, clothing, activities), please use YOUR UNIQUE ACCOUNT NUMBER OR LEARNER NAME as the reference.
School fees include:
Affiliation fees for: NAPSO, NSSU, WSSR
All sport and culture participation and or enrolment fees
Sport practice equipment
All Science fair, mathematics and language Olympiads entry fees
All bus and transport fees for school relevant activities (sport, academic and culture excursions)
Art as part of our school curriculum
Mind Moves as part of our school curriculum
Physical Education as part of our school curriculum
Remedial and reading assistance
Guidance Centre assistance which includes learner support, counselling, assistance with subject choice and university applications
Grade 1 school readiness test and assistance
Psychometric testing
Physical science and biology laboratory equipment and examination materials
Academic, sport and culture prize-giving
Grade 12: Matric Farewell, Valedictory Day and Forty Days celebrations
Non-Payment Consequences:
Learners whose school fees are unpaid for 30 days will not be permitted to attend classes or participate in any school sport, cultural, or other activities until the fees are up to date.
If outstanding fees are not paid within fourteen days of the default date, a breach of the terms of admission will be declared, and the learner(s) will not be allowed to return to the school.
Accounts older than 90 days (three months in arrears) will be handed over to our attorneys for collection, and the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be responsible for all attorney and other costs incurred in collecting the outstanding amount.
Reapplication and Admission:
Re-application forms will not be available, and learners will not be admitted to school if:
Unpaid accounts from the preceding year have not been settled in full by the end of the academic year.
Fees for the term are not paid by the start of the new term.
The annual book fee is not received upon acceptance.
Academic Updates and Results:
Academic updates and results will only be available if and when school fees are paid in full.
Special Payment Condition for Grade 12 Learners:
ALL fees must be paid up to date by the time the matric farewell function takes place. Learners will not be permitted to participate in any function(s) if fees are in arrears.
School fees for the entire final year must be paid in full by the 1st of October of any subsequent calendar year.
The clothing store is open weekdays from 07:15-08:00 and 14:00-15:00
Refund/Exchange can only be made with unworn/unused items within one week of purchase
All clothing purchases/ordered must be paid before collection.
Team Shirt: Each learner must have a team shirt and team button (Dolphins A-G – Navy, Seals H-P – Sky or Sharks Q-Z – Maroon).
Tracksuit & Golf Shirt: The school tracksuit and golf shirt are compulsory for each learner. Learners must wear their full tracksuit with their golf shirt for PE and all other sport activities.
Sport Shorts: Learners may wear their sport shorts with their golf shirt during sport practice.
Grey long trousers or short grey pants.
WBPS long sleeve jersey of WBPS pullover Compulsory for Grades 1 – 7.
Black belt
Grey school socks (long socks with shorts and grey short socks with trousers).
Black leather school shoes
White school shirt (long sleeves or short sleeves with tie collar).
Blue WBPS tie for Grade 8 – 9 learners or grey WBPS tie for Grade 10 – 12 learners.
WBPS Blazer (compulsory for grade 8 – 12 learners).
Grey WBPS tunic dress or trouser (WBPS tunic dress allowed on hot days without jersey or pullover).
WBPS long sleeve jersey or WBPS pull over compulsory for all Grades 1 – 7.
Grey school socks (long socks with tunic dress, grey short socks with trousers).
Navy school tights with tunic dress for all Grades.
Black leather school shoes
White long shirt (long sleeves or short sleeves with tie collar Grades 8 – 12)
Blue WBPS tie for Grade 8 – 9 learners or grey WBPS tie for Grade 10 – 12 learners.
WBPS blazer (Compulsory for grade 8 – 12 learners).