Walvis Bay Private School
Since 1961
On 17 January 1961, the School opens its doors to 119 pupils and 8 teachers, under the administration of the South West African Administration. This remained the status quo until the early 70's. The aim is to prepare young people for a life led by God, according to the principles of academic, religious, physical and emotional development. The ideals become the pillars upon which the School is to be built in the years ahead. Mr E. Küschke is appointed as the first principal with Mr WM van Niekerk as the first chairman of the school committee. The official opening of the School takes place on 3 August 1961. The dedication stone is laid by the Deputy-Director of Cape Education, Mr JT van Wyk.

School starts with 164 pupils and Mr LD Beukes as Principal. The subsequent years showed that many changes were necessary, and many pupils sacrificed their afternoons to come to school and work on improving their school. Pieter Enslin and Malinda Jordaan are elected as the first SRC leaders.

This year sees the first Std 9 class and the schools name changes from Walvis Bay Secondary School to Walvis Bay High School. Other events are the first school concert, which attracts an audience of more than 1000 people. The first school newspaper, the Astra Vista, is published.

The pupil total grows to 226, of which 16 comprise the first Matric class. The rugby field and athletics track are laid next to the school buildings, and the netball court is built. A name-plate is erected above the school's entrance. This year also sees the first tour undertaken by the school, with 28 pupils going on a trip to the Etosha pans.

In this year, the school hall is constructed, with the Matric Farewell and Prize-Giving taking place in the school's own hall! The inside of the school hall resembles the thoracic skeleton of a whale, symbolic to suit the name Walvis Bay and officially utilised on 29 October 1965. The sport facilities are also upgraded and two tennis courts are built. A new school newspaper, The Westerlig, is published.

With the completion of the school hall, the tradition is started to host assemblies on Monday mornings. Mr TPE Swemmer is appointed as the new Principal.

The matric class of 1967 produces the first doctor from the School: Dr. Fanie Nel.

A school bazaar is held, bringing with it a flood of visitors. A cycle race is held, as well as boxing, wrestling and judo performances. The Drill platoon wins the coastal drill competition.

The Department of Public Works in Swakopmund, gives permission for a second entrance to the sports fields to be built. New classrooms are also built.

The school song is written by the Afrikaans dramatist, Prof. Gerhard Beukes and composed by Mr Ernst Scherrer The Cadet Corps wins the competition for the third consecutive year.

In 1971, anticipating the imminent cession of its control over South-West Africa, South Africa transferred control of Walvis Bay back to its Cape Province, thus making it an enclave. The school is part of the South African Cape Province Education Department. Mr K. Venter, who substituted the principal who was on study leave, receives the first school bus. The Mayor, Dr Leon Laubscher, awards the school with its first school flag during the annual prize-giving.

The Director of Education from Cape Town, South Africa, Mr Trumpelmann, visits the School.

Walvis Bay High School is the first school to participate at a concert presented by the SABC in the town hall. The concert is later broadcasted at the "Tiener Ateljee".
1973 Rugby 1st team.
Under 14 rugby team of 1973.

The School opens with a record learner total of 500, as a result of the 109 standard 5 learners being included in the high school. 8 classrooms, a library, a guidance room and a Physical Science laboratory are built and taken into use on 7 June. The school's first XV makes history by winning the Klopper Cup on 24 August 1974 for the first time against Outjo by 13 points to 4. The 2nd team also wins the second league.

The grandstand of the sports fields is inaugurated on 1 March. The boy's rugby teams are tasked with the responsibility of planting the grass on the rugby field.

This year is marked as the year of flooding. 80mm of rain falls in Walvis Bay, transforming the streets into canals and the parking lot alongside the school into a lake. During this year the Technical division is planned. Learner number 520.

In this year, the Walvis Bay enclave is transferred to the control of the Cape Provincial Administration and Walvis Bay again falls under the Cape Education Department. The technical workshop is inaugurated. The Technical workshop is utilized for the first time. Learner number 523.
Inter-School Rugby Naartjies U/19A vs Swakopmund 1977.

In 1978, the United Nations Security Council provided for bilateral negotiations between South Africa and a future Namibia to resolve the political status of Walvis Bay. The school continues is continues to function under the control of the Cape Education Department. Learner number 522.
We receive the first panel inspection from the Provinsial Administration of the Cape since Walvis Bay was given over to the Cape. Learner number 487. The Rotary Club of Walvis Bay sponsored Horst Simon to attend the "Avontuur tot Burgerskap" course in Cape Town.

Marlene Peters is appointed as the Best Girls Orator in RSA. Lora van Anraad is chosen to represent South West Africa and Walvis Bay on a European camping tour, organised by the International Girl Guide Assocciation. Learner number 451.

On Tuesday 27 October 1981 De Villiers Visser, the Springbok lock and wing forward visits our school and addresses the learners.

In 1982 the staff number 27.

The school newspaper officially becomes "Die Orakel". The school presents a mini fete.

Walvis Bay High School orators are awarded the winning trophee in the Orators Competition of the Junior "Rapportryers". With the cultural production "Ma Skryf Matriek" our learners received a golden medal with a 90% achievement.

In 1985 Renette Jonk received the award for best actress in SWA. Walvis Bay High School once again presents a very successful fete.

Walvis Bay High School celebrates 25 years of growth and development. The Deputy Director of Education in the Cape, Dr FL Knoetze, delivers a fenominal specach during the celebrations. Mr Tom Swemmer leaves the school after 21 years as Principal. He is replaced by Mr K. von S Wahl. On 11 April 1986, the school started its first Old Scholars Association.

In 1987 Walvis Bay High School enrolled 48 matriculants with 24 staff members.

After three years of hard work in the Technical devision, Mr Fritz Simon and his st. 8 learners complete the upgrade en renovation of the schoolbus "Fritzie". The D-Eskadron choir of the Defence Force donates a flag holder on 29 July 1988, for use of the school and national flags, still standing in the foyer of the school and used every day.

In 1989 Walvis Bay High School enrolled 59 matriculants who wrote the Senior Certificate exam. 15 of these learners passed with matriculation exemption.

In 1990 South-West Africa gained independence as Namibia, but Walvis Bay remained under South African sovereignty and the school remains part of the South African Department of Education.

In 1991 Walvis Bay High School enrolled 56 matriculants with 30 staff members.

The learner numbers, standard 5 – 10, stand on 431 with 28 staff members. School fees are set at R150 per learner per term. Mr Wahl leaves the school to return to South Africa.

Mr P. Steyn takes over as acting Principal for the 1st term, after which Mr Snyman becomes the Principal. During this period negotiations regarding the ownership of the school were the focus of attention.

At midnight on 28 February 1994 South Africa formally transferred sovereignty over Walvis Bay and the Penguin Islands to Namibia and the process of integrating the school into Namibia begins. Mr Snyman moves to Kimberley. He is succeeded on 1 April by Mr C H Stols.

Walvis Bay High School becomes a private school under the Ministry of Education in Namibia. English becomes the official medium of instruction. Afrikaans is kept as a First language subject and the language of the school's activities. School fees are set at N$110 per month per child. Mr Jan de Smit is the Chairman of the School Board.

Mr Stols remains the Principal until his retirement on 17 February 1996. Walvis Bay High School was registered as a company in terms of the Companies Act 1973 as an Incorporated Association Not For Gain. A Board of 6 Directors was appointed from amongst the parent body to manage the school's affairs and the Principal was appointed Managing Director, ex officio. Mrs Estelle Eigelaar is appointed as the school's first female Principal. The passages are renovated through the paint-the-passages project. The staffroom is renovated. The official Yearbook is again printed. This year we enrolled 37 matriculants with 19 staff members. Mr Neels van Wyk is appointed as Chairman of the newly appointed Board of Directors.
In the light of change, new Inter-house Athletic teams sees the light and the "Pelikane and "Flaminke" and replaced with the Dolphins, Seals and Sharks! An annual Inter-schools competition in winter sports versus Otjiwarongo HS starts. Our first Revue is brought to stage.

A triangular athletics competition with Windhoek High School and Otjiwarongo High School contributes to the inter-high spirit. Our first Astra Culture evening is presented on 3 July 1998. Mr Gys Coetzee succeeds Mr van Wyk as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The start of the new bus fund project.

The school purchases an Iveco bus.

With the formulation of the Education Act 2001 the school was reregistered as a Private School with a small subsidy. On 2/3 June 2001 Walvis Bay High School celebrates its 40th anniversary. During this weekend a corner-stone is unveiled on behalf of the Old Scholars. The School wins the triangular inter-schools sports competition. Technology catches up with the school, as all the typewriters are replaced by computers, with a new subject, "Keyboard & Word Processing" being introduced. Woodwork sees its last days as a subject, and is replaced by "Technical Drawing".

Rugby history is made when the 1st XV wins the Metropolitan Board Trophy in the super league after 28 years. The annual yearbook is replaced with a Matric booklet.

Academic specialist appointments are reintroduced. A Life Skills teacher is appointed again. Management appointments are increased. Mr Anton Welgemoed is appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Staff appointments are extended in each department to lower the teacher-learner ratio.

The purchase of the new 35-seater Mercedes Benz bus adds a new dimension to the transport position at the school as we now have two school buses. The merit system is introduced. Study classes are also introduced. The School makes hockey history when the Boy's 1st hockey team wins the league for the third consecutive year. The School also proudly boasts with 45 learners gaining national colours in various sports.

The school celebrates its 45th birthday, as well as the creation of its own website: www.wbphs.com. Large-scale repairs are made. The girl's under-16 team wins a silver medal in their league. A new, wider entrance to the sports grounds is built, to promote easy traffic flow. The Board of Directors is expanded to ten members: Chairman, Treasurer, Administrative member, 2 technical and 2 marketing members, a Sport portfolio, the Principal, Deputy-Principal and the Financial Secretary. The school's registration as a private school is finally confirmed. The library (media centre) is again placed under a fulltime Librarian and media prefects who man the media centre on a daily basis and named the Maizie Swart Media Centre. The entrance at the sport field is expanded and upgraded. The School becomes the Head Cluster Centre and is involved in various cluster activities and opportunities which involve the other schools.

The new Tuck-shop (Hap-en-Stap) is erected. A new student-teacher programme is implemented. Various concerts and a drama workshop are held. The learners write and present their own cultural masterpieces. Music lessons in the form of guitar, recorder and ensemble are offered.

The beginner hockey team wins their league. The decision to expand the School by offering a junior primary phase is made. Classrooms are re-designed and converted for the grades 1, 2 and 3. The playground is extended and is walled in. Mr Nic Adams is the successor as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The School officially takes on the name: WALVIS BAY PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL. The Primary Phase (grade 1 to 3 classes) at the School commences. Work on completing the Sports Clubhouse and the extensions to the sport grounds gets underway.

The Primary Phase extends with the introduction of a Grade 4 class. The Sports Clubhouse is completed. The Walvis Bay Private High School Old Scholars Association is established. The Walvis Bay Private High School Education Trust is registered. A Sports Policy and a Sports Code of Conduct is implemented at the School. More classrooms, store-rooms and ablution facilities are upgraded for the needs for Grades 5, 6 & 7 and a second Grade 1 class to be introduced from 2011. Fundraising ventures including "Advertise-on-our-busses", "Adopt-a-Classroom", "Sponsor-a-Wall" (5m parts of the boundary walls needing to be built) and "Buy-a-Seat" (seats or rows of seats in the balcony of the hall to be built) are started.

The year started with a learner number of 616 from grade 1 to grade 12. Definitely a historical moment. To make provision for the growing learner numbers, the School hall fund is initiated to plan for a gallery in the school hall. The building of a new hockey field and the current sport grounds are upgraded. Permission was given to follow an extended curriculum. School celebrated the 50th anniversary. A big reunion was held to celebrate this festivity. Fundraising venture: advertising on perimeter walls around the school.

Dolphins, Seals and Sharks celebrate their 15th anniversary. We have a teaching staff of 43 members with 98 matriculants and a learner number of 660. The School hosted the 2012 Securitas Private School Sport Festival for the fist time. We can proudly boast that we have added in excess of N$1 million to our asset base in the form of new and improved sports facilities, upgraded changing and ablution facilities, a wonderfully expansive tuck shop with cooler room under the Namport Pavilion, new permanent stands offering additional seating to more than 600 people, an announcers/VIP platform in the Namport Pavilion, the money to grass the new multi-sport Standard Bank Oval (work will commence shortly on this project), upgraded scoreboards, lighting around the main rugby field, upgrading of the tennis and netball courts and their surrounds and an overall dramatic improvement in the general aesthetics of our School. Additionally, we are also working toward building up funds through the sales of raffle tickets for the motor car, bike and other great prizes to assist towards the construction of four additional classrooms and the gallery in our School Hall which collectively could cost well in excess of N$1.25 million. Another step in a positive direction is the recent expansion of our learner leadership programme, one that promises to develop as much opportunities as possible for learner leaders in the school.

To ensure the smooth running of different divisions and phases, the Management members have been allocated a certain area to specialise in and ensure that optimum efficiency takes place. Each management member serves as a General Manager in his/her section. Mr. Wynand Moolman is appointed as Deputy Principal and GM Sport. An addition to our guidance Centre is the appointment of a full-time guidance Teacher who is a specialist in giving guidance to learners with regards to subject choices, career choices, learning skills, emotional intelligence and social adaptability. All 97 Grade 12 Higher and Ordinary NSSC candidates are awarded a successful Grade 12 certificate accredited by Cambridge. A new tradition was started with the erection of the Anchor Tower which symbolises that the School is an Anchor in each learner’s life for the duration of the time at the school.


The 53rd Anniversary of WBPHS on 3 August 2014 was celebrated with many successes: Walvis Bay Private High School has grown to 670 learners and 49 teachers. This year we celebrated the 5th year of the existence of our own Primary School and we have completed the additional class rooms and additional facilities for our Primary Phase. This is also the first year that our Grade 12’s can benefit from the completed extension of the NSSC Curriculum, which commenced in their Grade 10 year, after completing the Junior Secondary Curriculum at the end of their Grade 9 year. The phasing in of our New School Uniform and Sport Uniform is a giant undertaking to broaden our uniformity and outstanding identity among the broader Namibian community. In addition, our Primary School Rugby teams have for the first time qualified for the quarter finals, and all our High School Rugby teams and first Girls and Boys Hockey teams have qualified for the semi-finals. 2014 also marked the start of our own Desert Sport Festival. Our 2014 Musical included the entire school from Grades 1-12. Through the hard work and determination of the staff, supported by the parents and the Board of Directors, the School provides a platform for learners to be prepared for the combination of an excellent all-round education, life skills and work ethic.

WBPHS has grown to 685 learners with 51 staff members. The EDUPAC (Educational Management Information Solution) program is implemented to meet all the Administrative, Curricular, Staff and Financial functions and controls that the school needs. Mr Henjan van der Hyde is appointed as Deputy Principal and GM Sport. WBPHS presents their 2nd Desert Sport Festival. The reintroduction of the presentation of the Mr & Miss WBPHS takes place. Our junior choir the “Galjoentjies” is established and the Junior and Senior Primary classes present their own “Rainbow full of colours” concert. The school celebrates its 54th anniversary and the Junior and Senior Primary section of the school completes its 7 year cycle. Our own grade 1 learners have now completed their grade 7 year and celebrates this great achievement with their own Grade 7 farewell.

WBPHS has grown to 720 learners with 56 staff members. The school celebrates its 55th anniversary and the celebrations can be marked as the highlight of the year. During the festivities the school presented “Onder die Suiderkruis”. The building of the School Gallery in the School Hall and the purchase of two new Iveco busses can be marked as more highlights of the year 2016. In addition Green Plant Productions with Brenton du Plessis and Gert Steyn visited the school to make a production of the school for the “Skole Top 10” program. Our Graduate Teacher Programme is in its 10th year of existence, offering in-service-training to teachers and students. The Readers are Leaders programme is introduced in the school, a computer based reading and language programme to dramatically improve reading speed, to read with comprehension, to improve academics in all subjects, to enable learners to work independently at their own pace and to further develop all aspects of language. This year WBPHS presented the ATKV Regional Orators competition for Namibia. At the Official National Awards Ceremony WBPHS was awarded Top school in the Erongo Region. WBPHS was also ranked Top NSSC Higher Level School in the Erongo Region. The top Grade 12 performers attended the auspicious Award Ceremony. Renate Potgieter received the Trophy for the best overall NSSC Higher full-time candidate. She further received the Cambridge International Examination National Open Scholarship for the best overall NSSC Higher Level candidate overall for the 2016 results.

Dr Gavin Keller once again visited us as part of the Staff Development and PLC programme for the year. The funds raised through the Primary School fundraising Project, Fun Run and Fun Day, was allocated toward the building of four new mini seating stands on the Senior Primary playground as well as a beautiful new jungle gym on the playground of the Grade 1 learners. WBPHS hosted the fourth Desert Sport Festival with eight SA Schools and 7 Namibian Schools that participated in the festival. WBPHS once again attended the NAPSO Private Schools activities which included the Athletics Competition in Swakopmund, the Winter sport Competition in Windhoek and the Culture Festival in Swakopmund. WBPHS hosted the ATKV Orators Regional trials for the second time. The fourth Interschools Competition against WAP took place in Windhoek.

We finally had the opportunity to develop the main entrance of the school to a safer and more accessible and friendly area. In addition, with the growing number of learners entering the school at the Primary Phase entrance and parents making use of parking on that side of the school, it became imperative to upgrade that entrance as well. The funds raised through the Primary School fundraising Project, Fun Run and Fun Day, was allocated towards that project. We continue following the path of a Professional Learning Community and once again Dr Gavin Keller shared his views and interactions with the school. WBPHS continued with the NAPSO Private Schools activities which included the NAPSO Athletics Competition in Swakopmund, the Winter Sport Competition in Otjiwarongo and this year we presented the NICTUS NAPSO Arts & Culture Festival at our school. WBPHS was once again awarded Top performing NSSCH School in the Erongo Region. The Matric Class of 2018 commemorated their matric year when they planted four palm trees parallel to the four trees they planted in Grade 8. We proudly celebrated the 10th year anniversary of the “Hap & Stap” Tuck Shop. We hosted the 5th BUCO DSF as well as the 5th Interschools Competition against WAP on our School grounds.

Dr Gavin Keller and Dr Rudi Koekemoer were responsible for staff development as we continue in our quest to create a positive environment conducive to learning and to foster a sense of warmth and community. Unique to this year’s theme, Belong, Believe, Become, learners need to ignite the feeling of belong. The core function is to help learners develop a sense of empathy and togetherness and ultimately be inspired to learn. For that reason WBPHS further embarks in the Buddy bench project, called the Naartjie bench. WBPHS also takes a firm stand in recycling and community projects.
The Inauguration of the renovated Main entrance and the entrance at the Primary Phase of the school took place. The school’s sport facilities is officially named “Naartjie Park”, after the traditional name “Naartjies” used for the first teams of the school. Large-scale upgrading of the learners ablution facilities has been completed. The learners in the Primary Phase of the school have been granted permission to wear the existing fleecy top with their school wear during the cold weather.
The 2nd rugby team ended as the National champions in the U19C league. Mr Henry Kemp is appointed as the new HOD: Sport.

Wat ‘n belewenis?! In ons wildste drome sou ons nooit kon droom van ‘n Covid-19 wêreld pandemie wat wêreldwyd soveel chaos kon veroorsaak nie. Ten spyte hiervan, was daar wel heelwat aktiwiteite wat suksesvol kon plaasvind.
Januarie 2020 het WBPHS afgeskop met die jaarlikse Interhuis atletiek byeenkoms vir beide Laerskool en Hoërskool leerders. Die “Big Brag” wat die atletiek vooraf gegaan het, het soos gewoonlik vir uitstekende vermaak en pret gesorg.
Ons leerders het gedurende Februarie hard en ernstig begin voorberei vir die aanbieding van WBPHS se jaarlikse Woestynfees en Sport seisoen. Op 13 Maart, twee weke voordat die Woestynfees sou plaasvind, was ons vure egter uitgedoof met die rampspoedige nuus oor die beperkings wat ingestel is as gevolg van die Covid-19 wêreld pandemie. Nodeloos om te sê, kon geen sport of kultuur aktiwiteite vir die res van 2020 plaasvind nie.
Op akademiese gebied, was almal betrokke by WBPHS, naamlik leerders, ouers en personeel, gekonfrontreer om die onbekende “E-Learning” aan te durf. WBPHS is baie dankbaar dat ons op hierdie manier met akademie kon voort gaan en dat dit onder alle omstandighede uitstekend gegaan het.
WBPHS kon op 20 Julie weer met “face to face” onderrig begin. Die Graad 11 en 12 leerders was die eerste groep leerders wat infasseer is tot “face to face” onderrig. Mettertyd kon al die ander graad groepe ook terugkeer skool toe, op datums soos deurgegee deur die President. Op 7 September was alle leerders weer terug by die skool.
Einde Augustus 2020, neem WBPHS se personeel en direksie swaar afskeid van Mev. Estelle Eigelaar, wat op wel verdiende pensioen gaan. WBPHS wens haar goeie gesondheid en alles wat mooi is toe.
Mnr. Henjan van der Hyde, word vanaf 1 September 2020, deur die direksie aangewys as die nuwe skoolhoof van WBPHS.
WBPHS hou, onder groot druk en buitengewone omstandighede, matriekafskeid op Saterdag, 10 Oktober. In adherence to Covid-19 protocol, the matriculants all donned trendy masks for their Matric Farewell, complimenting their attires beautifully.
Die prefekverkiesings vir Hoër en Laerskool is gedurende Oktober afgehandel en die nuwe leiers vir 2021 is aangewys.
Ons krieket, tennis en boogskiet is toegelaat om deel te neem, terwyl die wintersportsoorte ongelukkig nie kon voortgaan nie.
Fortunately, the Matric class of 2020 could experience their final event, the Valedictory service on the 14th of October 2020. Mr. Pierré Marais, the chairman of the Board of Directors used this opportunity to say a final farewell to Mrs Eigelaar who stepped down as principal and acted as guest speaker on the event.
Walvis Bay Private High School once again excelled in the 2020 NSSCO/H Grade 12 examinations. Despite a very long lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the school obtained 94.6% quality symbols for the Higher-level subjects. For the NSSCH results WBPHS placed 6th in the country amongst the private schools. 50% of the Grade 12 subjects were written on the Higher Level.

School starts on 15 January. Covid-19 regulations still apply. Only 50 people are allowed at an event. Due to this, no staff meeting in the morning as well as no assemblies. Only daily WhatsApp meetings with staff members.
All learners and staff sanitise when entering and leaving the school building. Sanitise desks etc. before each lesson. Everyone to be wearing masks.
Staff development with Mr. Schalk Pienaar.
No Musical this year, no Guppy Concert, no NAPSO Private School's Winter Sport, no Interhouse Athletics and no official sport leagues this year and no Prize Giving events. All due to the restriction of only 50 people allowed per event.
2021 Marked the completion of the Junior primary phase as the grade R class joined the school. Implementation and start of the first Grade 1 class at Walvis Bay Private High School.
First year for Grade 12 learners to be writing the AS or the Ordinary Lane Examination at the end of Grade 12.
Desert Sport Festival took place, but without any spectators. No South African school took part, only Namibian schools.
Gedurende 2021 is finale verbeterings aan die sportgeriewe aangebring, wat geweldige finansiële implikasies gehad het. Fondsinsamelings, lenings en skenkings was die enigste uitweg om hierdie verbetering te kon doen.
The sportsground has taken many years to attain its present state of perfection and with the great efforts of the current Board of Directors, it is now well laid out and upgraded and convenient for all the main sport codes.
Walvisbaai Privaat Hoërskool vier hierdie jaar sy 60ste bestaansjaar op die 9de Julie.
Regering kondig weer aan dat alle skole vanaf 16 Junie tot 28 Junie vir 'n isolasie tydperk as gevolg van Covid-19 toenames moet sluit. Na die verloop van die isolasieweek, het die regering 'n verdere isolasie tydperk van 1 Julie tot 4 Augustus aangekondig.
Krieketafrigting kan voort gaan. WBPHS het vir die eerste keer 'n dogters krieketspan.
Sosiale ligas met Hokkie, Netbal en Krieket kan wel begin gedurende September. Geen kontaksport word huidiglik toegelaat nie.
Op 4 Oktober het verdere bouwerk begin vir die uitbreiding van die Graad R fasiliteite. Daar sal twee Graad R klasse gefasiliteer kan word vanaf Januarie 2022.
Matriekafskeid vind wel plaas op die 6de November. Slegs 100 persone word op hierdie stadium by 'n funksie toegelaat.
Oor 60 jaar heen het baie betrokkenes, onderwysers, ouers, leerlinge en oudleerlinge deel uitgemaak van die uniekheid van Hoërskool Walvisbaai, vandag bekend as Walvisbaai Privaat Hoërskool (WBPHS) en deel gehad in die karaktervorming van die skool, sy ontwikkeling en uitbreiding.
School closes on the 17th of December for the year.

Covid maatreëls laat slegs 100 persone per byeenkoms toe.
WBPHS se Graad R aanbouings is voltooi en die Graad R fasiliteite word in gebruik geneem. Die Graad R afdeling beskik oor hul eie speelgrond asook badkamers. WBPHS fasiliteer hierdie jaar twee Graad R klasse.
Gedurende Februarie kon ons weer die eerste keer in twee jaar oueraande by die skool hou.
WBPHS kan vanaf 22 tot 26 Maart weer die die Indongo Toyota Woestynfees aanbied.
As gevolg van Covid regulasies kon die Akademiese toekenningsaande tydens 2020 en 2021 nie aangebied word nie en is 2020 en 2021 se leerlinge vereer met akademiese toekennings op 7 April 2022.
Op 9 April hou WBPHS en Pro-Ed hulle eerste Interhoër teen mekaar op Naartjie Park. Skole ding teen mekaar mee in Rugby, Netbal en Hokkie.
NAPSO Wintersport word aangebied in Tsumeb van 2 tot 7 Mei. 250 Leerlinge neem deel. 30 Personeellede vergesel die leerlinge na Tsumeb.
Personeelontwikkeling vind plaas op 25 Julie en word aangebied deur Dr Rudi Koekemoer.
"Woes" wynveiling word "live" aangebied vanuit die Tom Swemmersaal en dit is vanjaar ook die eerste virtueel aanbieding. Dit is 'n eerste vir Namibië en is aangebied met groot sukses.
Op 3 September het die 2002 Matrieks reunie gehou.
Die jaarlikse Musiek Blyspel is op 13 en 15 September aangebied.
WBPHS huldig die nuwe Melvyn van Rooyen Astro Hokkiebaan in op 27 September. Dit is die eerste Astro Hokkiebaan teen die kus.
Eerste aanbieding van die Standard Bank Woestynfees vanaf 30 September tot 1 Oktober.
Borgefunksie word aangebied op 27 Oktober om erkenning te gee aan alle borge wat deur die jaar bydraes tot WBPHS gelewer het.
Stadion Gholfdag word aangebied op Naartjie Park as fondsinsamelingsprojek.